Monday, May 5, 2008

Good Things Utah!

For Kathy's B-day we went to Good Things Utah! Ye-ha!!! Happy Birthday!
AND... Happy Birthday to all you April 30th girls; Mandy, Sherin, and Kathy!


  1. Was it fun? Man, you guys are FAMOUS:)!

  2. What?! Good Things Utah...without me?! ;) jk

    Looks like fun- I've never been. Do you just show up at the studio and wait in line or something? Or do you buy tickets?

  3. How fun! What a great idea. YOu all look darling in the pic!

  4. Heather....I just found you through Michelle's blog!! How are you?!?! It's been a long time!! Your little family is so cute!! I hope all is well. BTW...I love good things utah! How fun that would be to go to a taping!!
