Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Max and creative Porter

So Max just had to help me. In what way, I don't know.  BUT he had to help.  He had to help eat the cookies, oh ya, that is what he helped with.

He is just so fun to have around.


YEP, THIS IS MY MAX.  This was A DAY.  JUST A DAY.  Not a great day; not a happy day; but is was A day for the both of us.  We were all ready for bed time.  It couldn't come any faster that day!

BUT all days have humor it them right. (sweet max had just thrown out all these "sticks" all around my bathroom.  I left the mess and continued on with the day.  So cute little Porter brought me in my bathroom.  He told me that he had made something.  Oh was I in for a surprise.  Yes he had made me something indeed.  He had made a tampon ladder.  WOW, just amazing...WOW.  what more could I say.  It was breathtaking!  I look forward to many more days like this!

1 comment:

  1. oh my - THAT is hilarious. got to love porter.
